来自NBA的精神补给
最近难道是因为气温骤降,大家的状态都不太好,冻着冻着,活力和心态就都结冰了。朋友说自己最近有点压抑,还失眠了大半个月。也不知道是不是晚上在想一些奇奇怪怪的问题,找不到答案就把自己绕进去了,然后烦恼就多了,整个人也是气压低低的。最近自己也是有一些低气压,前几天看了一场骑士VS步行者的NBA季前赛直播,很喜欢暂停中插播的几个片段、几句独白,然后花了些时间把它们原文和字幕整理出来,想与大家分享,如果可以,希望也能成为你们的精神补给。
关于生命的意义:
To
the
game
and
to
your
craft,
whatever
craft
whatever
work
space
you
in,
to
be
able
to
put
the
work
in.
Literally
trust
the
process,live
about
the
process
and
then
see
the
result.
think
we
all
live
for
the
moment.
为了胜利,为了球技,不管你从事什么行业,尽自己最大的努力,相信过程,享受过程,结果自然会呈现,这就是生命的意义。
关于奋斗不息:
Nothing’s
difficult,
everything’s
a
challenge.Through
advernity
,to
the
stars.To
the
last
minute
the
last
second,
to
the
last
man
,we
fight,we
fight.
世上不存困境,时刻都是挑战,唯经逆境磨练,方得星光挥洒,搏至最后一刻,战至最后一人,我们征伐,我们厮杀。
关于追逐梦想:
You
can’t
stop
from
people
trying
to
limit
your
dream,
but
you
can
stop
it
from
becoming
a
reality.
Your
dreams
are
up
to
you.
encourage
you
to
always
be
curious,
always
seek
out
things
you
love
and
always
work
hard
once
you
find
it.
Have
a
dream,
sacrifice
for
it.
And
never
ever
rest
in
the
middle.
你无法令人们停止贬低你的梦想,但你能击碎他们可耻的嘲笑,你的梦想取决于你。请时刻保持好奇,请一直保持探索,请继续保持奋斗。拥抱梦想,为之牺牲,并战至终章。
关于伟大的定义:
think
the
definition
of
greatness
is
to
inspire
the
people
next
to
you.
think
that’s
what
greatness
is
or
should
be.
It’s
not
something
that
lives
and
dies
with
one
person,
it’s
how
can
you
inspire
a
person,
to
then
in
turn
inspire
another
person
and
then
inspire
another
person.
That’s
how
you
create
something
think
last
forever
and
think
that’s
our
challenge
as
people
is
to
figure
out
how
our
story
can
impact
others,
and
motivate
them
in
a
way
to
create
their
own
greatness.
我所认知的伟大在于激励身边的人,这是所有伟大传奇的共性,不会因个人的存亡而消散,而是持续鼓舞着他人,从人至众,生生不息。我们该如何用自己的故事去影响他人,并激励他们去创造属于自己的传奇,这就是不朽的传奇,也是我们生而为人的挑战。
关于自己:
You
know
everything
happens
for
a
reason,
and
there
is
a
story
to
everything.
You
don’t
need
to
live
in
anybodyelse’s
story.
What
tell
people
is
just
be
the
best
version
of
yourself
in
anything
that
you
do,
and
a
relentless
drive
and
the
will
to
do
whatever
it
takes
to
be
successful
in
whatever
you
put
your
mind
in.
First
thing
you
can
start
to
think
about
is
how
much
work
you’ve
put
in
over
the
course
of
the
year.
世间一切皆有因,俯仰沉浮皆故事,但你不需要活在别人的故事里。无论你在做什么,请始终保持最好的自己,保持不懈的动力,做出足够的付出,方能在你的领域取得成功。首先回顾在这一年的征程中,你的努力是否足够。
From
------题外话------
如果大家也喜欢,可以去找一场直播回放,听听原文~~~
请记住本书首发域名:www.bqq999.cc。顶点小说网手机版更新最快网址:m.bqq999.cc
关于生命的意义:
To
the
game
and
to
your
craft,
whatever
craft
whatever
work
space
you
in,
to
be
able
to
put
the
work
in.
Literally
trust
the
process,live
about
the
process
and
then
see
the
result.
think
we
all
live
for
the
moment.
为了胜利,为了球技,不管你从事什么行业,尽自己最大的努力,相信过程,享受过程,结果自然会呈现,这就是生命的意义。
关于奋斗不息:
Nothing’s
difficult,
everything’s
a
challenge.Through
advernity
,to
the
stars.To
the
last
minute
the
last
second,
to
the
last
man
,we
fight,we
fight.
世上不存困境,时刻都是挑战,唯经逆境磨练,方得星光挥洒,搏至最后一刻,战至最后一人,我们征伐,我们厮杀。
关于追逐梦想:
You
can’t
stop
from
people
trying
to
limit
your
dream,
but
you
can
stop
it
from
becoming
a
reality.
Your
dreams
are
up
to
you.
encourage
you
to
always
be
curious,
always
seek
out
things
you
love
and
always
work
hard
once
you
find
it.
Have
a
dream,
sacrifice
for
it.
And
never
ever
rest
in
the
middle.
你无法令人们停止贬低你的梦想,但你能击碎他们可耻的嘲笑,你的梦想取决于你。请时刻保持好奇,请一直保持探索,请继续保持奋斗。拥抱梦想,为之牺牲,并战至终章。
关于伟大的定义:
think
the
definition
of
greatness
is
to
inspire
the
people
next
to
you.
think
that’s
what
greatness
is
or
should
be.
It’s
not
something
that
lives
and
dies
with
one
person,
it’s
how
can
you
inspire
a
person,
to
then
in
turn
inspire
another
person
and
then
inspire
another
person.
That’s
how
you
create
something
think
last
forever
and
think
that’s
our
challenge
as
people
is
to
figure
out
how
our
story
can
impact
others,
and
motivate
them
in
a
way
to
create
their
own
greatness.
我所认知的伟大在于激励身边的人,这是所有伟大传奇的共性,不会因个人的存亡而消散,而是持续鼓舞着他人,从人至众,生生不息。我们该如何用自己的故事去影响他人,并激励他们去创造属于自己的传奇,这就是不朽的传奇,也是我们生而为人的挑战。
关于自己:
You
know
everything
happens
for
a
reason,
and
there
is
a
story
to
everything.
You
don’t
need
to
live
in
anybodyelse’s
story.
What
tell
people
is
just
be
the
best
version
of
yourself
in
anything
that
you
do,
and
a
relentless
drive
and
the
will
to
do
whatever
it
takes
to
be
successful
in
whatever
you
put
your
mind
in.
First
thing
you
can
start
to
think
about
is
how
much
work
you’ve
put
in
over
the
course
of
the
year.
世间一切皆有因,俯仰沉浮皆故事,但你不需要活在别人的故事里。无论你在做什么,请始终保持最好的自己,保持不懈的动力,做出足够的付出,方能在你的领域取得成功。首先回顾在这一年的征程中,你的努力是否足够。
From
------题外话------
如果大家也喜欢,可以去找一场直播回放,听听原文~~~
请记住本书首发域名:www.bqq999.cc。顶点小说网手机版更新最快网址:m.bqq999.cc